Summary of Selected Data

Key Data from 1996-2019 at THE 6 active BCSC sites

  Number of Records
Women 2,543,460
Women with Breast Cancer 182,395
Breast Imaging Exams 13,292,173
Radiologists 2,058
Facilities where Mammograms Were Read 304

Summary of Selected Variables

FROM data collected at breast imaging exam


Age at Exam Number of Exams Percent
18-24 28,099 0.2%
25-29 51,187 0.4%
30-34 130,046 1.0%
35-39 436,949 3.3%
40-44 1,623,331 12.3%
45-49 1,865,928 14.1%
50-54 2,018,376 15.3%
55-59 1,852,587 14.0%
60-64 1,596,545 12.1%
65-69 1,346,150 10.2%
70-74 1,018,172 7.7%
75-79 690,484 5.2%
80-84 379,936 2.9%
85-89 147,612 1.1%
90+ 33,755 0.3%
Total 13,219,157 100%

Note: Age data is missing for 73,016 records. These records have been excluded from the table. 


Race/ethnicity Number of Exams Percent
White 9,100,335 73.2%
Black 1,354,433 10.9%
Asian 1,105,608 8.9%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander 8,360 0.1%
American Indian or Alaska Native 39,788 0.3%
Other 83,772 0.7%
Mixed (2+ races reported) 111,497 0.9%
Hispanic 629,205 5.1%
Total 12,432,998 100%

Note: All categories are non-Hispanic except the Hispanic category. 

Note: Race data is missing for 859,175 records (6.5%). Missingness is due primarily to women choosing not to self-report race and certain facilities not collecting race information. Missing values have been excluded from the table.


Postmenopausal at Exam Number of Exams Percent
No 4,095,823 36.2%
Yes 7,215,477 63.8%
Total 11,311,300 100%

Note: Menopausal status is missing for 1,055,959 records (7.9%). Missingness is due primarily to women choosing not to self-report and certain facilities not collecting menopausal status information. Missing values have been excluded from the table. 


BMI (kg/m2 Number of Exams Percent
18.5 or less (Underweight) 120,333 1.6%
18.5 - 24.9 (Normal) 2,971,743 40.3%
25.0 - 29.9 (Overweight) 2,187,995 29.7%
30.0 - 34.9 (Obese I) 1,194,013 16.2%
35.0 - 39.9 (Obese II) 530,152 7.2%
40 or greater (Obese III) 363,712 4.9%
Total 7,367,948 100%

Note: BMI is missing for 5,924,225 records. Missingness is due primarily to women choosing not to self-report and certain facilities not collecting BMI information. Missing values have been excluded from the table. 


Breast Density at Exam, BI-RADS Number of Exams Percent
1 (a): Almost entirely fat 962,213 8.3%
2 (b): Scattered fibroglandular tissue 5,016,975 43.2%
3 (c): Heterogeneously dense 4,672,047 40.2%
4 (d): Extremely dense 976,553 8.4%
Total 11,627,788 100%

Note: Breast density is missing for 1,664,385 records. Missingness is due primarily to certain facilities not collecting density information in some years. Missing values have been excluded from the table. 


First Degree Family History of Breast Cancer at Exam Number of Exams Percent
No 9,910,427 82.9%
Yes 2,045,156 17.1%
Total 11,955,583 100%

Note: Family History is missing for 1,336,590 records (10.1%). Missingness is due primarily to women choosing not to self-report and certain facilities not collecting family history information. Missing values have been excluded from the table. 


The following must be cited when reproducing this data:

"The Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium and its data collection and sharing activities are funded by the National Cancer Institute (P01CA154292). Downloaded xx/xx/xxxx from the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium Web site -"