Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium

Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium

Working together to advance breast cancer research

A collaborative network of breast imaging registries conducting research to assess and improve the delivery and quality of breast cancer screening and related patient outcomes in the United States.

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Recent Findings

Explore highlights of the BCSC's most recent studies from scientists leading the work on our blog.

New BCSC study suggests that updated approaches for evaluating combined versus alternating breast cancer screening may improve the accuracy of multimodality performance evaluation
New BCSC study finds that knowledge of breast density does not impact women’s willingness to delay treatment for additional imaging but experience with previous breast cancer treatment does
Final Report Published for PCORI-Funded BCSC ADVANCE Study

Explore a list of BCSC publications in peer-reviewed academic journals on PubMed or reference our static master publications list

BCSC Risk Calculator

Access & Use the BCSC Risk Calculator
