Facility Information

Since 2005, the BCSC has collected information from 254 radiology facilities at the 6 active BCSC breast imaging registries. Facility characteristics may change over time. Here we show the most recent available information. 

Facility Information

Practice Location
Facility characteristics
Location of Radiology Facilities Participating in the BCSC with hospital Hospital or located with hospital Office, not located Mobile van Other Location 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Percent Location of Radiology Facilities Participating in the BCSC Location = Hospital or located with hospital Percent of Frequency = 46.0% Location = Office, not located with hospital Percent of Frequency = 45.2% Location = Mobile van Percent of Frequency = 7.5% Location = Other Percent of Frequency = 1.3% with hospital Hospital or located with hospital Office, not located Mobile van Other Location 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Percent
Practice Type
Facility characteristics
Radiology Practice Type of Facilities Participating in the BCSC breast center Multi-specialty practice radiology Full diagnostic imaging only to breast practice limited Radiology practice Non-radiology Radiology practice type 0% 20% 40% 60% Percent Radiology Practice Type of Facilities Participating in the BCSC Radiology practice type = Multi-specialty breast center Percent of Frequency = 13.4% Radiology practice type = Full diagnostic radiology practice Percent of Frequency = 62.3% Radiology practice type = Radiology practice limited to breast imaging only Percent of Frequency = 15.9% Radiology practice type = Non-radiology practice Percent of Frequency = 8.4% breast center Multi-specialty practice radiology Full diagnostic imaging only to breast practice limited Radiology practice Non-radiology Radiology practice type 0% 20% 40% 60% Percent

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The following must be cited when reproducing this data:

"The Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium and its data collection and sharing activities are funded by the National Cancer Institute (P01CA154292). Downloaded xx/xx/xxxx from the Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium Web site - http://www.bcsc-research.org/."