Sacramento Area Breast Imaging Registry Receives $5 million to Develop Precision Breast Cancer Screening Program for Marginalized Populations

SABIR lead Diana Miglioretti receives a $5 million cy pres award from a class-action lawsuit to develop a precision breast cancer screening program focused on racially/ethnically diverse low income women

Posted by Diana Miglioretti at 4:00 PM on Oct 11, 2021


Dr. Diana Miglioretti, a Breast Cancer Surveillance Consortium investigator and Sacramento Area Breast Imaging Registry (SABIR) lead, has received a $5 million cy pres award from a class-action lawsuit against Wyeth Pharmaceuticals to develop a precision breast cancer screening program focused on racially/ethnically diverse low income women. As part of the program, the UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center will purchase a mobile mammography van to provide free mammograms and other cancer screening tests to women in underserved communities in the Sacramento and Central Valley areas. Bilingual and bicultural health educators and community health workers will provide health education and help ensure timely follow up care for women with abnormal mammograms. The mobile van will also serve as a data collection hub, using  cutting edge genomics and artificial intelligence to predict breast cancer risk. Blood and saliva samples will be taken to measure genetics, hormone levels, and exposure to chemicals (such as those found in pesticides and wildfire smoke) for future research.


Find media coverage: 

UC Davis Health News: https://health.ucdavis.edu/health-news/cancer/marginalized-communities-to-benefit-from-new-breast-cancer-research/2021/10

CNN: ​​​​​​​https://us.cnn.com/2021/10/13/health/pandemic-cancer-screening-delays-wellness/index.html


Posted by: Diana Miglioretti